
How to know if a swimming pool is loosing water

Most of times, if a swimming pool loses water, it’s obvious. The water level goes down drastically, including in the months that are not warm and, in many cases, we can see the gap from where the swimming pool loses the water, but in other cases, it is not that obvious. Many clients ask us if this lost is normal or its simply due to the natural evaporation of the water.

To calculate the normal water lost by evaporation in a swimming pool, you have to take into account many factors: surface, temperature, humidity, speed of the wind, mass of water… and apply a rather complex formula:

Me=9 x (We-Wa) x (1 + V/1,20) x S + 0,42 x n + 0,08 x N

But without having to realize such a precise calculation, we can consider that the normal lost by evaporation is between 2,5 y 3,75 cm by week.

Bucket test, the swimming pool loses water?

There is also a simple way to verify if there is a water leak or if the loss is due to the water evaporation. It involves realizing the “Bucket test”. This test consists in introducing a bucket of water in the pool during several days (4 to 7 days) leaving the water level of the bucket to the same level as the swimming pool water level (you can tie the bucket to a staircase for example, so it does not move). We will have stopped the filtration equipment previously and marked the water level in the bucket. Once the 4 to 7 days are past, we will check the water level in the bucket.

If there is no difference between the level of the pool and the bucket, congratulations, your swimming pool does not loose water and it is only natural evaporation of the water.

In the other case, we should measure the difference between the water level in the bucket and the level in the swimming pool and divide this last by 7 (or the days you have realized the test). We shall then obtain the centimeters of water that the swimming pool looses daily.

Furthermore, for example, a swimming pool that measures 8×5 meters and has given us a loss of 2,5 cms/daily is losing 1.250 liters of water per day.

In this case, you can contact with us, we will help you find out where the leak is (accessories, pipe system, vase, ….) and offer you the best solution.


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